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SabreCat Fencers and Families

Maestro David working with a kid fencer

SabreCoachKate teaching youth fencers on a Saturday morning

SabreCat Fencers and Families
Insights into the world of fencing and thoughts on life

Mar 31, 20176 min read
Guest Post: My daughter’s first big tournament
Beginner Mylene attended her first big tournament. Here are her and her mother's reflections on the day.
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Jun 4, 20163 min read
Why should my child attend a summer camp?
Ten reasons why your child should attend a fencing summer camp
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Apr 5, 20164 min read
How to win at fencing
The most important thing fencers can do is to set incremental goals.
582 views0 comments

Nov 13, 20151 min read
Fencing Newbie: Referee hand signals
A handy guide for understanding referee hand signals
2,728 views0 comments

Oct 25, 20154 min read
How to: Host an awesome free fencing class
A free, no-pressure session is an easy way to get new people through the door.
48 views0 comments

Aug 31, 20152 min read
Fencing Newbie: What do the rules say about fencing with long hair?
What do fencers do with long hair?
392 views0 comments

Mar 30, 20152 min read
Fencing Newbie: What are the parts of a sabre?
Knowing the correct terminology is important in fencing. If you're unsure, read this post to learn the parts of the sabre.
552 views0 comments

Jan 24, 20151 min read
Fencing Newbie: How do I hold a sabre?
Learn the proper way to hold a sabre
459 views0 comments
Nov 16, 20142 min read
Fencing Newbie: Seven Steps to Tournament Success
First tournament? Here's a quick guide for what to do when you get there.
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Nov 9, 20141 min read
Fencing Newbie: How do I keep score in sabre?
If you've ever been confused about how keeping score in sabre works, this is for you.
151 views0 comments
Oct 29, 20142 min read
Fencing Newbie: How do I move like a fencer?
The most important skill you will ever learn in fencing is footwork.
115 views0 comments

Oct 24, 20142 min read
Fencing Newbie: How do I wash my fencing gear?
Fencing gear tends to get dirty from time to time. Here's how to wash it safely.
2,541 views0 comments

Oct 19, 20142 min read
What is Right-of-Way? How do I get it?
Sabre uses right-of-way to determine which fencer receives the point for the touch.
452 views0 comments

Oct 18, 20141 min read
Fencing Newbie: What do I take to a tournament?
The tournament process can be a bit overwhelming, so here's a checklist.
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Oct 16, 20142 min read
Fencing Newbie: How do I put on sabre competition gear? And how do I hook up on the fencing strip?
There's more gear to remember when getting on strip.
261 views0 comments

Oct 14, 20142 min read
Fencing Newbie: How do I put all this practice gear on? And what’s it all called again?
Here's a post to help you visually review all the fencing practice gear and how to put it on.
512 views0 comments
Oct 12, 20141 min read
Upcoming series of posts
I'll be addressing questions about fencing basics in my next few posts.
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